Prydes Easi Oil


Prydes Easi Oil

For the Best Results

  • EasiOil must be fed as part of a balanced ration.

  • Introduce into a horse’s ration gradually, starting with no more than ¼ cup of EasiOil per day and increasing by no more than an additional ¼ cup/day of EasiOil every 5 to 7 days (based on a 500 kg horse).

  • Feed in conjunction with ample forage (pasture, hay and/or chaff).

  • Make clean, fresh water and salt available at all times.

  • Adjust the amount fed so it is appropriate for a horse’s body fatness and current activity, along with the quality and quantity of forage available.

  • Divide EasiOil into two or more smaller meals if feeding more than 25 ml per 100 kg of bodyweight per day.

Did You Know?

Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids must be obtained from the diet. These essential fatty acids are required for regulation of correct inflammatory responses, muscle contraction and blood clotting. They also play an important role in skin and coat health. Forages like fresh pasture are high in omega 3 and low in omega 6. Grains are high in omega 6 and low in omega 3. Sunflower oil and corn oil are very high in omega 6 and contain virtually no omega 3. Canola oil contains a beneficial amount of both omega 3 and 6.