NRG Apple Cider Vinegar
Key Benefits
• Contains important minerals suitable for horses, other animals and birds.
• May play a role in nerve and muscle function
• Has a role in general metabolism and nerve function
• Has a role in normal growth and maintenance of bones, teeth and muscle function
• Believed to assist in balancing the acid/alkaline pH levels
Unpasteurised, Unfiltered and Naturally Fermented, NRG Apple Cider Vinegar contains the mother, still active, ensuring optimal health benefits.
Delivering a broad range of health advantages for horses, this quality standard in production delivers an acidity rating of 4.5% – 5% which is above the 4% international accepted standard.
Considered an important food and medicine for many centuries, Apple Cider Vinegar is beneficial for adding to feed and is an inexpensive wash for aiding in soothing, sterilizing, conditioning and considered an alternative anti-fungal skin treatment.
Written material on many websites consider Apple Cider Vinegar to be a natural antibiotic that may assist in improving digestion, increasing joint function and balancing pH levels. NRG Apple Cider Vinegar is a ‘Must Have’ in the feeding routine of many stables around Australia.
Known widely for its benefits for preventing arthritis and improving joint flexibility NRG’s unpasteurised and unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar not only balances the acid/alkaline ratio in the body, but also assists with cleansing of the digestive tract, helps to oxygenate the blood and improve the appetite.
Many customers who use NRG Apple Cider Vinegar don’t wait for a problem to surface, they feed as a preventative measure and enjoy the benefits daily. At only 30 cents per serve for the 5L container, adding just 50ml of NRG ACV to drinking water or feed is an easy and cost-effective solution to your horse’s general wellbeing.
Two powerful ingredients, pure garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar combine to create a natural product with a host of health benefits for your horse.
Garlic is one of the most widely utilised herbs in the world. It has been embraced for centuries for its beneficial properties and its application for animals can even be traced back to Egyptian, Roman and Chinese cultures.
Combined with NRG’s unpasteurised and unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, the resulting Garlic ACV mix is a rich source of Potassium and Sulphur which is essential for healthy skin and hair and contains high levels of Methylsulylmethane (MSM) commonly used to ease joint problems.
The NRG Team took time to successfully mix 10% Garlic with our Apple Cider Vinegar, following the advice of nutritional experts. When used at the correct daily dose, Garlic is perfectly safe with no known side effects.