Some horses are quite happy to have the full feeding rate of DIGEST & PROTECT® added directly into their feed. However, to avoid any upset horses, we suggest adding in gradually. Starting off with half the recommended feeding rate for the first 7 days and building up to the full rate.
DIGEST & PROTECT® is flavoured with aniseed (it smells wonderful) and horses seem to love it!
Other tips to try when introducing:
Wetting down the product in the feed to turn it into a paste. This will also coat the horses feed in the supplement and make it imposible for them to sift the product out.
If you use an extruded product, you can turn the feed into a mash and mix the supplement into the mash.
Is DIGEST & PROTECT® a powder or a pellet?
DIGEST & PROTECT® is a powdered supplement. We do not pellet DIGEST & PROTECT® because it contains live probiotics and digestive enzymes. These ingredients are sensitive to heat. To ensure your horse is getting the most it can from the supplement it must be in powdered form.
Why would I add DIGEST & PROTECT® into my horse's diet?
DIGEST & PROTECT® is designed to support the digestive system from start to finish. The digestive system of the horse is integral for their overall health and wellbeing. Not only does it provide energy and nutrients for the horse to ensure the body functions optimally, but a healthy digetsive system supports the immune system and decreases the risk of colic and laminitis.
DIGEST & PROTECT® is the perfect addition to your horses diet if:
They are experiencing stress. Stress can affect the health of the digestive system. Today's horse faces many stresses including travel and competition. DIGEST & PROTECT® can be added to the diet to help support the function of the digestive system.
- They are a performance horse that must ensure they are extracting the energy and nutrients required to support their performance work. Not only does the performance horse have an increased demand for nutrients but they also experience an increased volume of stress. DIGEST & PROTECT® can be added to the diet to help support the function of the digestive system.
- They are experiencing girthiness, irritable behaviour or loose manure. These are all indications that the digestive system may not be its happiest. DIGEST & PROTECT® can be added to the diet to help support the function of the digestive system.