Barastoc Palastart Calf



Barastoc Palastart Calf

WHAT WILL IT PROVIDE MY CALF? High quality protein with added amino acids to assist in muscle and bone development. Vitamins & Minerals Fortifi ed with vitamins and minerals essential for healthy growth and development. Prebiotics & Probiotics Contains a mannan-oligosaccharide enriched yeast extract to enhance the growth of benefi cial gut bacteria and a live yeast to help maintain benefi cial gut fl ora and to optimise rumen function and nutrient absorption. Molasses Added molasses powder for improved palatability and feed intake

INGREDIENTS: Whole Milk Powder, Skim Milk Powder, Whey Powder, Whey Protein Concentrate, Butter Milk Powder, Other Dairy Powders, Molasses Powder, Prebiotics and Probiotics, Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Elements.